Complete 5 miscellanous objectives within the hold.
Complete " Dungeon Delving" (different from the Winterhold quest of the same name) to get into the Jarl's good graces.
Complete " Waking Nightmare" to get into the Jarl's good graces.
Complete " Laid to Rest" to get into the Jarl's good graces.
Purchase Proudspire Manor, the house in Solitude.
Complete " The Wolf Queen Awakened" (possibly optional) and " Elisif's Tribute", which gets you into the Jarl's good graces.
Complete 3 miscellaneous objectives within the hold.
Complete " Rare Gifts" (if given) and " Kill the Bandit Leader" to get into the Jarl's good graces.
Complete 5 miscellaneous objectives within the hold.
Capture Whiterun and Falkreath (if siding with the Stormcloaks) or capture Windhelm and complete " Kill the Bandit Leader" (if siding with the Imperials) to get into the Jarl's good graces.
Purchase a house in the hold's capital (if available).
Complete a number of miscellaneous objectives within the hold (5 if a house is available, 3 otherwise).
Do an introductory quest-line that winds up getting you noticed by the Jarl of the hold.
In general, getting the title thane bestowed upon you follows a set strategy: