Twilight is a male great grey owl, ( Strix nebulosa). In the first book, she tells Soren almost everything she knows. Gylfie is both articulate and intelligent, although less reliant on books than Otulissa.

She escaped with Soren, and after befriending Twilight and Digger, came to the Great Ga'hoole tree. Aggie's after trying to fly before her wings had completely fledged. Gylfie was hatched in a cactus in the Desert of Kuneer and was snatched by patrols from St. Gylfie is a female elf owl, ( Micrathene whitneyi), who is Soren's best friend and part of "The Band". At the end of The War of the Ember he becomes king of the Great Tree after the death of his nephew, Coryn (Nyroc). Soren has starsight, allowing him to view glimpses of the future through his dreams. He is the mate of Pellimore and the father of Bell, Blythe, and Bash. He has a particular friendship with Gylfe, whom which he escaped St. After many adventures, Soren becomes a Guardian of Ga'Hoole, leader of The Band, leader of the Chaw of Chaws after, a member of the Great Ga'Hoole Tree and the ryb of the weather interpretation and colliering chaw after Ezylryb died. On their way to the tree, Soren was reunited with Mrs. He later escaped with his friend Gylfie and together the two met Twilight then Digger before journeying to the Great Ga'Hoole Tree. Aegolius Academy for Orphaned Owls after Kludd meanly pushed him from the nest. Soren was born in the Kingdom of Tyto, where he lived with his father, Noctus, his mother, Marella, his older brother, Kludd, his younger sister, Eglantine, and the family's nest snake Mrs. Soren is the main protagonist a male barn owl, ( Tyto alba), leader of "The Band".