Ck2 germanic holy sites
Ck2 germanic holy sites

With Elective gavelkind, though, the game will just create equal level titles from thin air, even if makes little to no sense (how did one of my sons become King of Norway when I owned exactly none of Norway?). With gavelkind, if you have only one highest level title it will prevent realm splits. Gavelkind is slightly easier to manage than Elective Gavelkind. That will also get you all the Moral Authority you need. So you may want to conquer all the non Germanic parts of Scandinavia first. The only reason to not reform as soon as possible is that you lose the immunity to defensive pagan attrition. Do a few county conquests and hey presto. It's actually easy to reform Germanic Paganism from a Charlemagne start in one generation, because once you've united all the big dukes (not so hard, and can be done in one generation with the Become King Ambition), the rest of Scandinavia will freely become your vassals diplomatically (generally speaking, Norway can be unified diplomatically rather than conquered in the earliest start date). Otherwise you're stuck with either the worst (elective gavelkind) or the second worst (gavelkind) succession law in the game without much in the way of mitigating them. If you ever see Holy Fury on sale, do get it because it makes managing succession much easier and just generally adds an awful lot of cool stuff for pagans. Infact, the reconquest each generation is kind of a benefit in itself, since it means getting prestige and opinion bonuses each generation as well. I recommend the temporary rather than permanent version because even though it means reconquering them every generation it's more money for less hassle. Tributary wars have the benefit of not generating threat, and realms bordering tributaries count as neighboring you (meaning you can 'chain' tributaries).

ck2 germanic holy sites ck2 germanic holy sites

The other thing besides raiding that will solve your money troubles is making tributaries. I would say Norse pagans are the easiest, both because of the Viking stuff (cheap ships and the ability to traverse major rivers vastly expands your raiding targets) and because of the Viking stuff (the Viking trait is easy to acquire and gives a substantial opinion buff with Norse, making Norse realms more stable). You want to avoid triggering early crusades.* Click to expand.You shouldn't have to worry about crusades in a Charlemagne start, Christians unlock Crusades at 900 at the earliest, and that only if one of Rome, Paris, Thrace and a few other places are controlled by non-Christians.

Ck2 germanic holy sites